Make a difference today

Your easy solution to raising money for the causes you love

Raise more money, more easily, for less

We work with thousands of charities you care about

Muscular Dystrophy UK
Now What
Cancer Research UK
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Side By Side
Island Walk
Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund
Dementia Jersey
Channel Islands Airsearch
Teenage Cancer Trust
Surfers Against Sewage

Why fundraise with SportsGiving?

Multiple Charities

Raise money for multiple charities and split your fundraising total between them.

Start in Minutes

Create or join an existing activity, customise your SportsGiving page and start fundraising!

Team Pages

Invite multiple admins to your page so everyone can be involved in customising and fundraising for a joint cause.

Offline Donations

Manually add offline donations to showcase your full fundraising total.

Competitive Pricing

Our fees are amongst the lowest in the industry.

Gift Aid Compatible

We process GiftAid completely free of charge for the charities that you support.

100% Covered Fees

Donors can choose to cover our processing fees so that charities receive 100% of funds donated.

Give with confidence

Our secure platform is fully GDPR and PCI compliant – protecting both users and charities data to the highest of standards.

What they have to say about us

Jacksons CI Workplace Fundraising

Jacksons CI LTD
Workplace Fundraising Team

“Our Mac100 Fundraiser went really well, thanks for all your help – really appreciated. I’m sure we will be using RaceNation SportsGiving again, excellent support.”

Around The Island Charity Event

Around The Island Walk
Charity Event

“We take a great deal of comfort and confidence working with RaceNation SportsGiving. They have consistently demonstrated a keen interest and commitment to supporting our charitable fundraising, boosted the amount of charitable donations received and their technological innovation has not only improved our operating procedures but has reduced our overheads.”

Fundraiser event

Jake Crichton

“I was impressed with the clarity and transparent nature of the entire donation process.”

Join thousands like you

Check out some of our popular fundraising activities below.

Running or walking

Take part in thousands of events across a range of distances and terrains.

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Currently one of the fastest-growing sports. Take on the open water or challenge yourself in the pool.

Start fundraising


Choose from thousands of closed road, off road or open road events.

Start fundraising

Beach Clean

With SportsGiving, the fundraising possibilities are endless.

Start fundraising

Ready to make a difference?

We are ready to help you raise more money for your charity, more easily and for less.